Financial support & bringing a peace of mind for medical treatment and motivation to live a happy life against 72 critical illnesses

Join PRU-SAFE now to enjoy the long-term protection benefits combined with effective savings for the future!

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Join PRU-SAFE now to enjoy the long-term protection benefits combined with effective savings for the future!

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When choosing PRU – SAFE, participants will receive support with multiple & practical financial solutions over the risk of 72 critical illnesses right from the early stages. Therefore, you can overcome your worries about the financial burden on your families; and from that, feel more secure about the medical treatment and increasing the recovery rates. Not only that, but participants also receive the benefit of waiving future premiums immediately after the first late-stage critical illness benefit is paid. At the same time, with PRU - SAFE, participants can also accumulate their assets to comfortably enjoy their retirement in the future.


  • Cash benefit: 30% Sum Assured (SA) at Policy Anniversary Date right after Life Assured reaches the age of 65

  • Maturity benefit: Benefit on Policy Maturity Date:
    200% SA + accumulated Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal bonus calculated (if any) – all benefits paid out (if any)

  • Death benefit: Up to 300% SA + accumulated Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal bonus calculated (if any) – all benefits paid out (if any) 

  • Critical Illness benefit: Multiple times of protection against Critical Illnesses (CI): Up to 200% SA + accumulated Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal bonus calculated (if any)

    • First Early-stage CI: 30% SA

    • Second Early-stage CI: 30% SA

    • First Late-stage CI: Maximum 100% SA & waiver of premium 

    • Second Late-stage CI: 200% SA + accumulated Reversionary Bonuses and Terminal bonus calculated (if any) – all benefits paid out (if any) 


Entry Age: 15 - 60 years old
Expiry Age 75 years old
Policy Term Until 75 years old
Premium term:

  • From 15 – 50 years old: 15 years
  • From 51 – 60 yers old: 65 – Entry age

Serving needs Multiple financial protection against critical illnesses

Note: All product features and insurance benefits listed in this document are only for summary purposes and are for reference only. All corresponding benefits and conditions will be implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Insurance Terms and Condition approved by Prudential.


  • A. Exclusion in case of Death:

    • Suicide of self-inflicted injury whether sane or insane, within two (2) years after Policy Effective Date or the effective date of any reinstatement of Insurance Policy, whichever is later; or

    • Due to an intentional act of Policyholder, Beneficiary against Life Assured; or 

    • Any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illnesses including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any mutations, derivation or variations thereof (except for case of Occupationally Acquired HIV defined in the Appendix of these Terms and Conditions) ; or

    • Deaths due to the execution of the death sentence.

  • B. CI Exclusions
    Prudential shall not pay any critical illnesses benefit if signs or symptoms of illness exist:

    • Prior to Policy Effective Date or the latest Reinstatement Date, whichever is later; or

    • Within 90 days following Policy Effective Date or the latest Reinstatement Date, whichever is later, whether the Critical Illness is diagnosed or not (except that the Critical Illness is a result of an Accident and Life Assured is diagnosed of suffering from Critical Illness within 90 days from the date of Accident).

    • Illness of Life Assured is the direct results of:

    • Suicide of self-inflicted injury whether sane or insane, within 2 years after Policy Effective Date or the latest reinstatement date of policy, whichever is later; or 

    • Any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illnesses including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and/or any mutations, derivation or variations thereof except for case of Occupationally Acquired HIV stated and HIV Infection Due to Blood Transfusion in Appendix; or 

    • Under the impact of the use of narcotics, psychotropic drugs, alcohol, poisons, gas or similar substances, or drugs, unless the substance is used as a drug prescription issued by a Doctor and this influence is the cause of Accident; or

    • Participate in flying aircrafts or any aviation activities except for as a fare-paying passenger of scheduled and licensed commercial aircrafts; or 

    • War whether declared or not, insurrection, rebellion, or mutiny; or 

    • Engage or take part in dangerous activities of Life Assured such as scuba diving, bungee jumping, mountain climbing, racing of any kind, hang gliding, ballooning, parachuting and sky diving; or 

    • Any event giving rise to a claim on an insured caused directly or indirectly by the intentional act of Policyholder, Life Assured and/or anyone who is entitled to the benefit payable. 


1. The Policyowner can request to increase the SA within 21 days of Grace Period, or reduce the SA at any time during the policy term.

  • Minimum SA of each policy is 75 million VND
  • Maximum SA of each Life Assured is 2 billion VND

Insurance premiums and other related conditions of the insurance contract will be adjusted accordingly to the new SA.
2. Interest rates when insurance benefits are paid later than commitment
Prudential is responsible to assess the Insurance Claim Form within the committed time (depending on the type of insurance benefits). Unless the force majeure, if the claim is approved but Prudential fails to make payment on time due to Prudential’s fault, Prudential shall then pay, in addition to the amount of the insurance benefits, an amount of interest. The interest rate applicable to overdue payment is interest rate of cash advance from Surrender Value of Policy. Details of the interest rate are announced from time to time by Prudential here.

This is an insurance product provided by Prudential Vietnam, not a product of MSB operating as insurance agency. Participating in the insurance product is not a mandatory condition for carrying out any other activities and services of MSB.

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1800 59 9999 (free)

(024) 3944 5566

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(024) 3944 5566

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1800 59 9999 (free)

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