Send and receive money rapidly to and from international banks

Send and receive money rapidly to and from international banks

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Send and receive money rapidly to and from international banks

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Customer can send and receive money to and from thousands of banks in more than 200 countries and territories through MSB

Áp dụng tất cả cá nhân đang ở Việt Nam.

  • Customer can send and receive money to and from thousands of banks in more than 200 countries and territories through MSB
  • Áp dụng tất cả cá nhân đang ở Việt Nam.
  • Nhận tiền thành công chỉ trong vòng 15 phút.
  • Customer can send and receive money rapidly through MSB account
  • Recipient can choose other currencies like AUD, SGD, GBP, JPY, CAD, etc. to receive in their account

Điều kiện mở thẻ

  • Step 1: Provide valid identification documents
  • Step 2: Provide information sent by sender upon picking up money
  • Bước 3: Điền đầy đủ thông tin người nhận tiền vào mẫu chi tiền mặt của MSB
  • Bước 4: Nhận tiền và nhận biên nhận “PAYOUT RECEIPT”.

Điều kiện mở thẻ

Frequently Asked Questions

Customers can use collateral that is real estate or means of transport to secure the loan. Customers can use collateral that is real estate or means of transport to secure the loan.

Customers need to prepare a fee for the Valuation Service of the Collateral, from which MSB determines the loan amount based on the value of the collateral - this is paid when providing documents to the Bank. Once the loan is approved, the customer prepares the security contract notarization fee and the loan security transaction registration fee to complete the mortgage procedure before disbursing.

MSB does not require the Client to provide a Construction Permit for a loan of VND 1 billion or less or Construction Works that is exempt from a Construction Permit.

In other cases, the Customer is requested to provide the Construction Permit/Confirmation from the Local Authority that the Works are exempt from the Construction Permit.

Yes. You can use your parents' assets as collateral for your loan at MSB.

Yes. Customers can repay part or all of the principal before maturity depending on their financial situation. The early repayment fee is based on the principal amount paid in advance, most of MSB's interest packages for you are free of early repayment from the 5th year onwards.